Monday, May 08, 2006


We've been cleaning our house, picking what we're keeping and what we're tossing because we're moving (not far, we're staying in the school district so that little Mark can be with his friends, etc). I can't believe how much stuff I have. I've trashed a LOT of it, and the rest I'm going to attemp give to Good Will. Anyone want a purple lava lamp?

I don't blame you.

I found two rather entertaining pieces of writing in my desk. The first is a list I wrote out to my mother about why I should be allowed to go over Michelle's house last year over Christmas break when my Dad was in the hospital. I did something or other to tick her off and I wasn't going to be allowed to go over and I'd have to sit with my mom in the waiting room or something, so I wrote her this to ask her if I could go...

Why I Would Like To Go To Michelle's Today

1. Because all of my imaginary friends are on vacation, so I should probably find my real ones out.

2. Because my lack of sleep could potentially cause myself, along with my easily influenced little brother, to become extremely hyper, thus...

3. Because I could become extremely loud and giggly

4. Because drawing four arrows on a piece of paper, taping them to the floor, and jumping on them just isn't the same as playing DDR.

5. Because I made a copy of the Toby Mac CD and it's a better alternative to a lot of Rap Michelle listens to. And besides...

6. What am I going to do with another copy of a CD I already have. Speaking of CD's...

7. Jen will be there and I have a CD for her too. Again...

8. What does one do with several copies of the same CD if they can't give them to their (real) friends?

9. Not to mention the fact that I haven't even seen Jen since she told us she was sick and

10. If I could just see her I'd know she was okay.

11. Because I don't like hospitals, even though the one Dad is in is nice, I really hate them.

12. Because I don't think I could handle concentrated worrying and imagining the negative for six hours straight.

13. Because when I need some space, I can't go over a friend's house for coffee or run over to church like you can and...

14. I've been with you and the rest of the family for 13 days...

15. Which is 412 hours...

16. Or 24, 720 minutes...

17. Also known as 1, 453, 200 seconds and...

18. That's a lot.

19. Because when else am I going to get to meet Michelle's boyfriend and let her know if he's okay or not? You said that it was important for your friends to like and get along with your boyfriend because...

20. People get married to their high school sweethearts...

21. And what better way for me to see if this guy is okay than to go and spend a whole day with him

22. Because you and dad said everyone should get one mistake a year without consequences, and in Feb. Was mine, but couldn't I take mine for 2005 now? It's only a few days away as it is.

23. Because Michelle, and Indu, and Halyse, and Jen, and them are real friends, not the fake kind of people who pretend to love you and be a friend but then turn around and hurt you, like a lot of kids I know at NA.

24. Because how many people did you know in high school who would love you for who you are, not hate you for who you're not?

25. Because if I actually took the time to write this you know that these people are really something special.

26. Because honestly, no one plays hide-and-go-seek as often as they should.

27. Because it feels good to be included

28. Because I'll miss out on memories

29. Because we're all going to leave in six months and then we'll have a hard time getting together after we go to college.

30. Because even Mary couldn't stay angry at Jesus when He was a kid

31. Because you know your true friends when they read the black board for you in gym because you can't see without your contacts and you took them out to swim

32. Because real love is un -conditional

33. Because I had enough sense to approach this in a mature manner after I cooled off

34. Because when your a bad dancer, you can play DDR, and laugh with your friends instead of being laughed at for looking dumb

35. Because Michelle and everyone else at the party lift you up instead of bring you down

36. Because you learn from experience and...

37. Because then I could learn how to be social with people I don't know because...

38. There are going to be some girls from Butler (Michelle's boyfriend)'s school I won't know and I'm painfully shy when I don't know anyone but because I'll know some people and they'll help me get over it

39. Because my hair is behaving today and not showing it would be a waste

40. Because I came up with 40 reason why, all of them are good, and no matter what, I love you and even though it doesn't mean anything to you, I'm still sorry.

Talk about Catholic/Italian guilt. I did get to go out and it was fun. I found that and thought 'I should post that', for whatever reason.

The other thing I found was a little more intellectual. It's a valley girl's take on Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven

One Night At Home

Once upon a time (note the original beginning!), a man was sitting alone in his house. Well, he like hears this noise and wonders what it is. However, since he's reading in front of the fire, trying to forget his lost love, he, y'know, pays no attention to it. He's afraid of strange noises, so he convinces himself that it must be somebody out WAY past curfew who's come to see him. Well, uh, he takes a deep breath, gets up from his chair, and slowly approaches the door, finally opening it. And he sees like NO ONE! After peering out into the darkness, and listening to the silence, he whispers, 'Lenore?' (She was the fox he was hittin' on.) Well, he gets no answer, so he like goes back inside. And now he hears a sound at the window! So he goes over to the aforementioned window and opens the shutter, not knowing what to expect: a guy with a gun? A weirdo? Who could know? Well, you'll never guess what it was: it was like this bird, all big and black, that just flew right in, right across the room, and landed on a statue he had in the room. Now you know about birds and statues, right? My man is getting really nervous now! So he says to the bird, "What's your name and why are you sitting on this statue in my room?" And the bird, who of all things could talk, goes, "Nevermore." Now the guy knows he heard the bird clearly, but he says to himself, "Self, what's up with this 'Nevermore' name?" Then he figures, "Hey, there've been so many others come and go in my life, I ain't sweatin' you, Dude. You'll be outa here soon, too." But our friend the bird hears him, and says, "Nevermore." Then the guy figures that this bird must've learned this "Nevermore" rap from like a previous owner, and all is chilll. He figures, "I'm all right with this; I wish Lenore could be here to see it!" The problem is, Lenore is gone and isn't about to be on no return flight, cause it's like The Big Gone! (She ain't breathin', man.) But since the bird is remidin' him of this lost filly, he asks it to stop. Guess what the bird says? Yep, "Nevermore." OK, OK. "Tell me this then," says our poor-just-sitting-there-minding-his-own-business-when-the1800's-version-of-a-phone-solicitor (that's the bird) came-to-interrupt-him-guy, "will I at least get to see her in heaven?" Now the bird is getting really nasty, 'cause once again h e replies, "Nevermore!" Well, that was the last French Fry in the bag, I mean, now the guy has had it! No more Mr. Niceguy! He tells the bird to get out, right down to the last feather! But the bird ain't budgin', as he says, "Nevermore." And to this day that bird is sitting there haunting the poor, sad, demoralized guy; a loser in the game of life; the end.

Well, I found it funny. But I'm a dork, so there you have it!

Have a spectacular day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow mic that is a really nice list. ive tried doing those list things when i wanted something... didnt work for me.
any ways, havent talked to you much since hs, just wanted to know how uve been and such.
im me sometime
<3 ,