Wednesday, August 05, 2009

What Makes You Think I'd Lose My Mind For You?

"I'm no sociopath, I'm no Sylvia Plath I ain't no Francis Farmer, I don't fight for you
Didn't I see this movie, where the doctor looks like you?
Where the patient for impatient and said, "Sorry, doc, I'm through?"
I know where this is going, and I know what you're about.
Cause I have seen this movie and I walked out
I walked out
I'm walking..."

Next to Normal is my new musical obsession. In The Heights is up there, but I think while it's composition is unique, Next to Normal's is more complex. I haven't started REALLY listening to [Title of Show] yet. But that'll be coming by October when I tire of varying these two.

So right now theatre life includes a lot of Billy Shakes. I'm stage managing Hamlet and I'm assistant directing Love's Labour's Lost as well as playing Jaquenetta and u/s Katherine. That one is in the park which is great. I love being outside. I think this will quickly become an addicting kind of performing.

I actually went to see Shakespeare in the Park in Johnstown this weekend past. It was different from how we're doing it in Pittsburgh but good all the same. Too short of a trip, I didn't get to see all of the gang while I was out there. But! I figure I'll be back up to move Mark in soon so I'll see all of you cool theatre kats at the end of the month. Watched a good friend's final Johnstown performance (at least until next summer) and that was satisfying. Also got to eat Dollar General cookies and free ice cream sandwiches with Amanda (the ever patient dance instructor of my early UPJ years).

Seeing History Boys on Saturday at the Pittsburgh Irish and Classical Theatre.

I quoted Hamlet yesterday without realizing it "Brevet is the soul of wit." I thought I was just quoting the play WIT written by Margaret Edson but SHE was quoting Hamlet.

Accidental intelligence or stupidity for not realizing that I did it? You decide. I'm going to make a light and sound cue outline for Hamlet!

"It is a nipping and an eager air."

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