Golgonooza is finished! And let me just say, PRAISE the gods of theatre. Things came together, as I knew they would - but... yeesh it was a crazy mess getting to that point. My cast was phenomenal, though.
I was asked to perform for elementary school students by Sylvan Learning Center for the second time. Curtis and I will be going tomorrow afternoon to reenact Green Eggs and Ham for hundreds of little first graders. I love doing Children's Theatre, it'll be a great time. "I will NOT eat green eggs and ham! I will not eat them Sam I am!" The eggs are from Easter and they came with Silly Putty in them that's green, all of the kids like coming up to touch it.
I went to Walmart the other night with Mike, Kate, and Ken to find the most glorious toy on the planet. For three dollars, I got a fully pose-able, cross eyed, white, English speaking, scripture quoting Jesus action figure. I'm not kidding you. I saw online that the thing sells for $19.99, but this one is taped into it's box, so I think I got one that was returned. I'm okay with that, Jesus still works. It's one of those toys given to children by the cult-Christian parents (read: Yearn For Zion Polygamy Child Abuse Very Small Branched Off Sect of Mormon's Ranch in Texas). If I was ever handed something like this as a child I would probably have ripped it's head off while at day camp (like I did with most of my Barbie's. What? As long as I put them back on before Mom or Dad picked me up, it was alright. It's not like I rip off real girl's heads now. Well, not literally).
Here is the glorious action figure/doll/salvation giver:
Yup. That right there is my Lord and Savior at his... not so finest. I don't think Jesus ever intended to be turned into plastic, shoved in a box, and have a button in the back of him to be pushed so he could spout scripture off on demand.
But what do I know?
That being the highlight of my month, I haven't much more to say.
Finals. Finals. Finals. Finals week starts soon. Then home. Then to the Center for Talented Youth hosted by an array of colleges across the country, founded by John Hopkins. I get to be an A.C./R.D. combined for these crazy child prodigies. Good times. I think I'll leave Action Jesus at home for that adventure. He's too much for me to handle some times, let alone the children.
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