Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Freshman Year Of College: PWNED

Here are a few tidbits of things I'd like to say about college since I've gotten through my first year and a bunch of you who read this are getting ready to go to some university or another once fall comes around. Get ready for this, folks. It's long.


- You'll go into it either having a plan or having no idea what you're doing. I went into it with a plan. Around November, I changed my plan and you know what? That's ok. Have the guts to say to your parents: Mom, dad, I don't want to be a psych. major. I want to major in Theater and I want to stay at the campus I'm at all four years, not transfer after two.

- And if you have no idea what you want to do: that's ok too. Don't wait until your junior year to declare a major but don't rush into one and end up taking all the wrong classes when you realize what you REALLY wanted to do.

- When they tell you a final exam is cumulative: they're not just saying that for kicks and giggles. You can't study one night before a final and expect to get a good grade on it.

- Going to a branch campus doesn't suck, isn't something to be ashamed of, and doesn't mean you're incompetent.

- Join something AS SOON AS YOU GET THERE! Audition for a show or work backstage, join the newspaper, radio or TV station, literary magazine, campus ministries, international basket weaving team...SOMETHING! My best friends I met through the musical...God really blessed me that way.

- You'll fall for someone unexpected. You won't believe your heart when it tells you that you like that girl/boy...Believe it. They'll end up changing the way you look at people.

- Yup. It's true. People smoke, drink, and have promiscuous sex in college. And sadly, it's not uncommon, it's not made into a 'big deal'. That doesn't mean it's not, though.

- Skip the frat/sorority houses on weekends. Yes, there are some great people there: but on weekends when the Jungle Juice or Red/Blue/Purple Death come out, I'd say that the people you want to be with won't be around there anyway.

- And for the record: never drink anything with the name 'death' in the name. That can only end badly...I know a few people who can confirm that statement from experience.

- Anyone who pressures you to drink, have sex, or smoke something isn't your friend. I know people who do all three of those things (not simultaneously, as far as I can tell) but none of them have ever made me feel as if I had to do those things to stay friends with them.

- You'll be surprised how many people respect your virginity/sobriety/faith. While they might tease you about it, they'll also look you in the eye and respect you for it.

- Don't take 18 credits first semester. Don't do it. You don't have to. You have four years (or more!). I mean this: DO NOT TAKE 18 CREDITS FIRST SEMESTER. 12 is too little, 18 is too much...Start with 15. You can see how you handle that and grab more or less second semester. Did I mention that you should NOT take 18 credits first semester? Because I don't recommend it.

- Let me clear something up about the whole 'drink' thing. If you didn't pour it yourself, don't ingest it. Period. Date rape drugs exist, people use them, and that really bites...But it's true. I'm not saying that to scare you, I'm saying it because you ARE new at this school and you DON'T know anyone really well yet.

- Make eye contact and say 'hello' to people walking by. If you see someone sitting by themselves at a meal, go up to them and introduce yourself. Then ask if you can join them. Get to know them. Be nice to the cafeteria workers, custodial staff, etc. You are no better or worse than anyone.

- Your teachers are either 'Professor' or 'Doctor'...Not 'Mr./Ms./Mrs.' Get used to it. Even the teacher without a doctorate deserves to be referred to as professor. It's a respect thing.

- Just because you're good at a subject doesn't mean you can coast. You owe it to your professors, but even more to yourself to give it your all, even if it's easy. Don't give half-efforts on anything. You're better than that.

- Yes! You really can go to your 8am class in your pjs. No one's awake enough to care, anyway.

- Another student will be better than you at what you love. Learn from them and befriend them, don't automatically reject them or hate them because you're no longer the best.

- You have the right to disagree with a teacher. However, if you can't present your argument intelligently: forget it. You'll be shut down. They've been here longer, have heard it before, and don't take any crap.

- You don't HAVE to go to class. That's great, sort-of. You can choose to skip class if you want. Try to avoid it. When you look at how many times you actually have to be there, it's a lot less than high school and teachers do know when you show up and when you don't.

- Rahman Noodles, Facebook, and caffeine will be come staples in your life. Don't fight it.

- All-nighters are bound to happen, especially during finals week. Staying up until 6am studying for a Short stories In Context class is MUCH more fun when you're with other people. Group all-nighters are great...And if you make a 'no talking' rule, you get a lot more done.

- Chances are, you'll work your way into a close circle of 10 or 20 people and then have a bunch of friends outside of that group that you enjoy, but aren't 'family' like that close circle. Let me tell you what: you will date each other. You will date your best friend's ex-boyfriend. They will date your old crush. It's BOUND to happen when you are in such a close-knit group. Stay honest and don't talk behind anyone's back. Less drama happens that way.

- Gossip and rumors fly. Don't give into it if you can help. Listen but don't repeat information. You'll end up knowing the most about everyone and not hurting anyone.

- Getting a tutor for a class you have trouble in is a GOOD idea. Don't wait until a week before the final to get one. If you get a D on the first test, go to the Academic Support Center and sign up.

- Good Will and Salvation Army (Sal Val) beat the mall any day of the week.

- If someone breaks your heart, the best remedy I've found is: Cry to a friend, eat a bowl of ice cream, go to sleep. The next morning: dress up in the outfit you look best in and be the most outgoing and self confident person you can be.

- For every month you've been dating someone, you get one day of pouting. That's it. Take it, use it, and then move on. Someone else has had a crush on you the entire time, anyway.

- Shower. Brush your teeth.

- It's ok to blow off studying for an hour to have a snowball fight and get hot chocolate after. In ten years it won't matter what you got in Trig, but you will remember tackling your best friends in the snow.

- Pick your battles wisely. Some things are better if you just let them go, other things you have to speak up on. There's a fine line and I'll be damned if I've figured out the balance yet.

- The RA's are just doing their job. The walls in the dorms are paper thin and they can hear you when you say 'Oh GAWD, it's an RA...Hide the booze.' We're not deaf. I swear.

- Do three things that you'd never do if you were home.

- CALL YOUR MOTHER! She misses you. Once a month should do it.

- Check in with your younger/older siblings. The older one's can help you with the whole college transition deal and the younger one's can keep you updated on 'what's what' at home. Keep interested in their school work, and their life in general...It's ok to be friends with your kid brother. (My little brother and I's relationship has improved greatly since I've been at school).

- Inevitably, the computer will crash the night before the paper you've worked on for six hours is due. Get a USB stick and know the computer lab's night hours...Hard core.

- You're going to get into more bands and music than you've ever known. Don't be close-minded about your music. There's some great stuff out there.

- Ask questions in class. You're paying to be there.

- Don't wait until the night before to do a ten page paper.

- You're friends are right down the hall. That can be the best or worst thing in the world.

- Learn to say you're sorry and admit when you're wrong. It takes a really big person to do that.

- Go to church every Sunday. I know you don't have to, no one is making you...But do it. Your spiritual well-being depends on it. If you can find someone as into their faith as you are yours, awesome! Keep them close, pray with them, talk to them about your faith...Not many other people can, will, or want to do that with you. If you get involved with campus ministry or even a local church, those people will find you and you'll find them.

- You don't know everything.

- You don't have to love your roommate, you just have to live with them.

- Get to know your teachers. They're really cool PEOPLE...Not just god's who stand at a blackboard three times a week. If you google them, you'll find books they've written and research they've conducted. It's pretty darn spiffy.

- Denny's and Eat'N'Park are open all night. Take advantage of that.

- spontaneous road trips are fantastic. Go on them.

- Try to get six hours of sleep a night...Please? You'll just function better.

- Surprise someone with something nice. Do a random act of kindness. It may be the only good thing that happens to that person that day.

- You'll get writers block. Walk away from whatever you're doing for an hour and then come back to try again.

- You ARE cut out for college. You wouldn't be there if you weren't.

- Take yourself seriously. If YOU don't, no one else will.

- Exercise. Not insanely or fanatically...But just an hour three times a week is better than never.

- You are not 'in it' alone. You're with hundreds of other freshman and thousands of former freshman. Don't stress out.

- Do laundry. For God's sake, do laundry.

- If you lend stuff out, be careful who you give it to. You may never see it again.

- Don't cheat.

- Bring your stuffed animal with you.

- Get three to ten hugs a day.

Well, that's what I've got. Feel free to ask questions or add your own.


Anonymous said...

Heh I think one of those was directed at/ inspired by me.


Anonymous said...

hey...thanks for this, i've reread it a coupla times, and it's funny how i live by some of these thanks to yeh...i love you mic! and thanks for you aid with the schtuff again..callbacks are tonight! <3 :)

Anonymous said...

this was great and so similar to the things i experience my freshman year..thank u love~