Tuesday, November 03, 2009

It Is Now Ten Forty Five

Sitting in a meeting before starting rehearsal.

Good week this week. Audition tonight, I'm singing "Nothing" from A Chorus Line and "Smile" which is a really sweet little gem. If you're ever auditioning against me, you can't sing it. I saw it first. So hopefully I rock that. If I don't, I have two non-musical auditions next week. One of them is a pretty big deal, equity and all that fancy stuff. I think that just means that the likelihood that I get in is slim. It's worth a shot though.

I've been doing a weight-loss plan designed by UPMC and a study group. I've lost about nine pounds so far. Six more to go before I reach goal one. Eleven to go before I reach my dream goal. I've started keeping a food journal, which is an eye-opener. It makes you watch what you eat. I have an allotted amount of calories and grams of fat to eat, and a certain amount of exercise I should be doing every week. I've been slacking on working out, which is okay - I'm kind of interested to see how long it takes for my weight loss to plateau from just eating right. I would have been a lot happier with myself if I had done this sooner. I feel really good about myself when I get on the scale, I just have to keep this up. Even on the days I forget to record in my food journal, I go back the next day to figure out how much I ate - I end up being only a little bit over the target numbers. I'm eating smarter.

Work is good. I'm teaching two classes (one for 4-8 year-olds: adorable! And one for 9-16 year-olds: incredibly fast learners) and we have one class of each age group left before their final presentation. The little ones are learning how to "Explore" theatre and the older students are working on monologue and audition techniques. The younger kids are doing a play version of the book Princess Pigsty and the older kids have mock auditions to present. I love working with them, but this shows me how I'm not ready to have kids for another seven or eight years. There's nothing wrong with that, I don't think.

I've gotten together a list of graduate schools I want to audition for as well as a list of apprenticeships and professional internships to apply to for next year. It feels like it's really early to be doing all this but my OCD has kicked in and here we are. I know to apply to the internships in January and I've learned well enough to contact the U/RTA schools privately and ask if they'll see a private audition. That way I don't have to rely on U/RTA for my auditions, since they seem to be looking for a type that only a few people fit. That's the business.

All I need now is a place to stay in Chicago for a week while I audition. Because we all know how poor I am and I do NOT want to be paying $150 a day for six days. So readers! This is where you come in: Anyone know someone who could put me up for six days in the end of January/beginning of February? Comment here, email me, text me, what have you.


(It is now 11:01 and time to start a run of the end of the new show.)